High Concept Labs

I’m excited to announce that I’m now a board member for High Concept Labs! We’re an arts service organization based in Chicago with a mission to support artists and facilitate dialogue between artists, audiences, and staff. This increases access and transparency to the artistic process and fosters transformational experiences in an environment of experimentation and… Continue reading High Concept Labs

Financial advice for MEL Magazine

Got another call from MEL Magazine based on some of the first-person narratives I provided last year regarding how my wife and I worked our way out of $100,000 in student debt. The writer, Adam Elder, asked for my contribution to “The Normal Person’s Guide to New Year’s Resolutions: Spending Less and Saving More.”

Two-week trip to the Balkans? Count me in

World Nomads is currently running a travel writing contest for a two-week trip to the Balkans. Comes with free flights, €1000 for a 10-day tour, apparel, a train pass and mentoring with travel writer Tim Neville of Outside Magazine. I’ve entered in past WM competitions, with no success…but maybe this year will be different? Either way, go here to… Continue reading Two-week trip to the Balkans? Count me in

Now what?

When I went to bed last night, sometime before midnight and after Clinton won Nevada, I knew I was going to wake up to one of two nightmare scenarios: a multi-state recount or a Trump nomination. After a few fitful hours of half-sleep, I checked my phone around 3 a.m. and saw Trump’s official win… Continue reading Now what?

Eddie Award win!

A few weeks ago my work in Sync Magazine was nominated for an Eddie Award and at the awards luncheon in New York earlier this week, I took home the Eddie Award for best technology article.